Mango Leather: A Vegan Alternative to Traditional Leather

Mango Leather: A Vegan Alternative to Traditional Leather 

From the Netherlands.. Koen Meerkerk (29) and Hugo de Boon (29) are a Rotterdam based designer duo, graduated from the Willem de Kooning academy in Rotterdam.

With a passion for creating value to things which have been labelled useless, the duo has placed themselves in todays circular economy. Facing and solving problems from a designer point of view. With a bachelors degree in spatial design, the two young designers have placed their focus on the development of materials.

Fruitleather Rotterdam gives wasted mangoes a new life. We do this through a process that converts mango fibers into a vegan leather-like material that is then sold to designers all over the world.

Mango leather (a cruelty-free alternative to traditional leather) is a remarkable innovation that mimics the texture, durability, and elegance of leather, while being completely plant-based and vegan-friendly. Made from end of life mangos this eco-friendly material is paving the way for a more sustainable and compassionate fashion industry.

One of the key advantages of mango leather is its similarity to traditional leather in terms of look and feel. It boasts a smooth texture and an elegant appearance, allowing it to be used in a wide range of fashion applications, including handbags, wallets, shoes, belts, and even clothing. This means you can enjoy the luxurious look and feel of leather without any guilt or harm to animals.

In addition to being cruelty-free, mango leather is an eco-friendly choice. By repurposing unusable mangos, this innovative material helps reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact associated with the traditional leather industry. It is a sustainable option that promotes a circular economy by making use of resources that would otherwise go to waste.

Furthermore, mango leather is biodegradable, unlike many synthetic alternatives. When it eventually reaches the end of its lifespan, it will naturally decompose, minimizing its impact on the environment. This is in stark contrast to traditional leather, which can take decades or even centuries to break down.

The rise of mango leather represents a significant step towards a more compassionate and sustainable fashion industry. By embracing plant-based alternatives like mango leather, we can reduce our reliance on animal products and contribute to the well-being of animals and the planet. Choosing vegan faux leather options allows us to make a positive impact without compromising on style or quality.

We are looking forward to considering mango leather as an ethical and fashionable choice. At the moment our boots are made of vegan Cactus leather which also is very similar to leather and an incredible non leather vegan faux leather alternative. These innovative materials contribute to the growing movement towards a more sustainable and compassionate future, where style and ethics can go hand in hand. 


From their website:

Food Waste

We live in a world where resources are becoming more scarce every day. Each year worldwide we throw away 1.3 billion tonnes of food. This is approximately one-third of all food production.

  • 45% of all fruit produced for consumption gets thrown away.
  • 30% of the earth’s agricultural land is used to produce food that eventually will be thrown away.
  • 40% of food harvested is left in the fields, because it does not meet the cosmetic standards for the supermarkets.

Food waste often occurs when the consumer buys too much or because retailers reject the food due to its “unfavorable” appearance. 

10% of all greenhouse gasses emitted in developed countries are used to produce food that will never be eaten. 

Leather Industry

The fashion industry is one of the most environmentally destructive industries in the world. It is responsible for 10% of all global carbon emissions. 

Every year, more than a billion animals are slaughtered for leather production. The cleaning process of these materials alone produces approximately 650 million kilos of CO2.

What if we did not see fruit waste as a residue, but instead as a valuable starting material? 

Over the years we have been experimenting on how to convert wasted fruit into leather-like material. By doing so, we are able to bring an eco-friendly and animal-friendly product to the market.

Fruitleather is a versatile material which can be made into footwear, fashion accessories, upholstery, furnishing, and more. But it doesn’t stop there, the possibilities are endless! 

They moved into their new workplace in Bluecity where they work together with other circular businesses towards a zero waste economy.

The vision at Fruitleather Rotterdam is not only to spread awareness of the food waste issue, but also to show how waste in general can be used in a positive way.

Fruitleather Rotterdam gives wasted mangoes a new life. We do this through a process that converts mango fibers into a vegan leather-like material that is then sold to designers all over the world.

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